Recycling & Compost – Tailz Biodegradable Dog Poop Bags | Eco Friendly | Australian Certified Compostable Recycling & Compost

We all produce ‘garbage’, approximately 2.5 tonnes per person each year (WA) but much of this could and should be recovered, but it’s not.

At long last, our Prime Minister has recognised there is a recycling and resource recovery industry crisis in Australia. However, now it’s finally on the agenda we need to keep the momentum to drive meaningful change and we need your help. Show you care and please share.

Successive federal governments have for so long failed to provide the required frameworks, legislation and processes for an integrated solution. There has been virtually no support or subsidies for recycling initiatives, hampering the establishment of new markets that allow the ‘circular economy’ to take hold. Lacking sustainable options that are economically feasible, local and state governments have opted for the easier, cheaper landfill options or sold our waste to suppliers who shipped the problem overseas. Click to sign the petition.

Here in Australia, the pursuit of a cleaner, more sustainable society has largely relied on individuals, community groups and progressive small businesses with inspiration coming from Abc’s program, War on Waste.

In West Australia, for example, Darren Lomman founder of Greenbatch is in the process of building the States first plastic recycling plant using crowdfunding among other avenues, to divert this resource from landfill.

At Tailz, we see more than 1 billion single use plastic dog poo bags per year going to landfill as misguided and in urgent need of change. Dog owners tend to be unaware that the many of the free bags provided by councils are sourced from suppliers offering much cheaper plastic bags, that prevents suppliers of true compostable bags to provide a more sustainable option. Click to sign the petition.

Thankfully, some inspiring Councils are leading the way implementing FOGO food organic, green organic systems. City's like the City of  Moyne in Victoria and the City of Melville in WA demonstrate how successful and sustainable sending all organics to industrial composting facilities can be. 

Last year, Ministers endorsed a target of 100 per cent of Australian packaging being recyclable, compostable or reusable by 2025. This is a start, but a more holistic approach would see Government invest in this industry and take bolder steps to fast track and establish a circular economy.

So please sign and share this petition to send a clear message to our government that more needs to be done to fix this mess!

Sign the petition here



Tailz compostable dog waste bags
